Due to the evolving COVID-19 status, the preschool may prepare and enact policy changes periodically. We reserve the right to make any revisions accordingly; as we are a private entity and will enact these changes in our continued efforts to keep everyone HEALTHY & SAFE.
If the child becomes ill and/or is found to be in a potentially contagious situation after arrival at the preschool, the parent/guardian will be notified accordingly and will be required to call for the child immediately.
In the event that the parent/guardian is unable to pick-up the child, the preschool will then refer to the emergency notification listing, and they will be asked to call for your child.
Any child found not to be infected or suspected to be infectious with any contagious disease or condition, including but not limited to:
- Head Lice (ukus)
- Impetigo
- Viral Conjunctivitis (pink-eye)
- Scabies
- Chickenpox
- Scarlet Fever
- Staph
- Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease
- Strep Throat
- Influenza
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Greenish-Yellowish Nasal Discharge
- Excessive Coughing and Sneezing
- Fever (we define a fever at 99.9 degrees)
- Covid-19
will be re-admitted to the preschool only pursuant to the State Department of Health Communicable Disease Reference Guide, and/or subject to the sole discretion of the preschool.
In addition to the above policy, the following has been enacted to clarify several items:
Anyone with influenza-like illness (fever at 99.9, cough, runny nose, sore throat, vomiting, etc., is required to stay at home. The child is to remain out of school for a minimum of 24 hours after the fever is gone; without the use of any fever-reducing medicine. (Also-if your child is sent home from school because of a fever, he/she will not be allowed to return the following day since it is evident that the child has not been fever-free for 24 hours without a fever reducer being administered.) We may require the results of a negative Covid-19 rapid test.
When any student has a communicable disease — influenza, stomach flu (diarrhea or vomiting), sinus infection, chickenpox, conjunctivitis (pink-eye), scabies, strep throat, impetigo, nasal discharge, fever, etc., or found to be in a potentially contagious situation, the preschool and its staff reserves the right to prohibit the student from attendance until the expiration of the prescribed or required period of isolation.
A physician’s (M.D.) note or a certificate will now be required and presented to the preschool before the child is allowed to be re-admitted to school. In addition to the note, the preschool still has the sole discretion and final decision as to whether the child should be back in school. If so, you will be contacted and expected to call for your child.
The preschool does sympathize with parents that are employed, and the consequences incurred when trying to find stand-by or substitute child care, however, we have to consider the other children in attendance, as well as our staff.